Mentor Profile

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China. I received my PhD degree in in computational mathematics from the School of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, in 2009. My research centers around the affective computing, social media computing and high-fidelity simulation.

I am directing the ZZU Computational Learning Lab, where I work with the most brilliant students and colleagues worldwide to understand the information of feelings and emotions of human individuals and groups hidden in multi-modal data such as text, sound, image, video, and to design and study new virtual simulation and modeling methods to augment scientists’ ability to explore vast amount of data on natural human-computer interaction or immersive virtual environment. Our current approaches combine psychological principles with mathematical modeling.

Junxiao Xue (1982- ), Ph.D., a native of Nanyang, Henan Province, Associate Professor and Master’s Supervisor of the School of Cyberspace Security, Zhengzhou University, Member of ACM and IEEE, Member of CCF Special Committee on Virtual Reality and Visualization, Member of CCF Special Committee on Computer-Aided Design and Graphics, Member of CICC Special Committee on Virtual Reality and Human-Computer Interaction, Teaching Pioneer of Henan Province, Young Backbone Teacher of Henan Province, Outstanding Classroom Teacher of Zhengzhou University. Visiting scholar at San Diego State University and Cali University, Colombia, USA. Published more than 50 papers in Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS), Science China-Information Sciences (SCIS), Frontiers of IT & EE ( Chinese Academy of Engineering Journal), Computers & Graphics, Information Processing & Management, Journal of Computer-Aided Geometric Design and Graphics, etc and authorized two national invention patents. Serves as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), The Visual Computer (TVC), Neurocomputing, Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Graphics, and as publicity chair for ISMAR 2019, IEEE ICVRV 2017, and IEEE ICVRV 2018.

Main Research Fields

Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Social Media Computing

Representative Research Projects

  1. Key Research Project of Henan Higher Education Institution, 18A413002, Research on desktop-level 3D printing data processing middleware software, 2018/01-2019/12, Chair.
  2. Henan Provincial Natural Science Foundation Project, 162300410262, Preference-aware Porcelain Visualization Design, 2017/01-2019/12, Chair.
  3. Henan Provincial Science and Technology Department Science and Technology Tackling Project, 162102310526, Research on digital geometry processing technology for desktop-level 3D printing, 2016/03-2019/03, Chair.
  4. Henan University Science and Technology Innovation Team Support Program, 16IRTSTHN027, Intelligent Information Technology and Equipment, 2016/03-2019/03, Main Participant (2nd).
  5. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Foundation Project, 61402420, Research on Image Enhancement Technology for High Definition Display, 2015/01-2017/12, Main Participant (2nd).
  6. National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Foundation Project, 10801023, Research and Application of Curved Surface Interpolation in Computational Geometry, 2009/01-2011/12, Main Participant (4nd).

Representative Publications

English Literature:

  1. Yafei Li, Rui Chen, Shangwei Guo, Junxiao Xue, Mingliang Xu. Efficient Top-k Matching for Publish/Subscribe Ride Hitching. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2021. (SCI, CCF-A, 一区, IF=6.977)
  2. Pei Lv, Boya Xu, Ran Feng, Chaochao Li, Junxiao Xue. Agent-Based Campus Novel Coronavirus Infection and Control Simulation, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2021. (SCI)
  3. Junxiao Xue, Mingchuang Zhang, Mingliang Xu. Modelling the Impact of Social Distancing on the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Low Transmission Setting, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2021. (SCI)
  4. Junxiao Xue, Yabo Wang, Lei Shi, Lin Wei. Detecting Fake News by Exploring the Consistency of Multimodal Data. Information Processing & Management, 2021. (SCI, 一区, IF=6.222)
  5. Junxiao Xue, Yabo Wang, et al. MVFNN: Multi-Vision Fusion Neural Network for Fake News Picture Detection. Computer Animation and Social Agents. CASA 2020, vol 1300. Springer. (CCF-C, EI)
  6. Junxiao Xue, Hui Yin, et al. Crowd queuing simulation with an improved emotional contagion model[J], Science China Information Sciences, 2019, 62(4): 44101. (SCI, 一区, IF=4.380)
  7. Junxiao Xue, Chenyang Sun, et al. Wheat ear growth modeling based on a polygon[J], Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2019, 20(9):1175-1184. (SCI, 二区, IF=3.10)
  8. Junxiao Xue, Qingbin Li, et al. Parameterization of triangulated surface meshes based on constraints of distortion energy optimization[J], Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2018, 46: 53-62. (SCI, 三区, IF=1.62)
  9. Mingyuan Li, Xiaoheng Jiang, Ningbo Gu, Weiwei Xu, Junxiao Xue, Bing Zhou, Mingliang Xu. Disassembling a 3D mechanism for efficient packing[J], Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2018, e1861. (SCI, 三区, IF=2.10)
  10. Mingliang Xu, Ningbo Gu, Weiwei Xu, Mingyuan Li, Junxiao Xue, Bing Zhou. Mechanical Assembly Packing Problem using Joint Constraints[J], Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2017, 32(6): 1162–1171. (SCI, 二区, IF=3.20)
  11. Jianlei Li, Junxiao Xue, Xiaoyan Li, A note on the relaxed Newton-like method for nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equation[J], Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 2014, 574-578. (SCI, 三区, IF=1.20)
  12. Zhongxuan Luo and Junxiao Xue, Layered deformation of solid model using conformal mapping[J], Computers & Graphics, 2008, 32(6): 695-703. (SCI, 二区, IF= 1.936)


  1. 薛均晓, 徐明亮等. 面向航空母舰电子显灵板的多智能体建模技术研究进展[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2021,33(10):1475-1485. (中国计算机学会A类期刊,T1,EI)
  2. 薛均晓, 孔祥燕, 郭毅博等. 基于深度强化学习的舰载机动态避障方法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2021, 33(07): 1102-1112. (中国计算机学会A类期刊,T1,EI)
  3. 薛均晓, 黄世博, 王亚博,石磊 TSTNet:基于时空特征的语音情感识别[J]. 郑州大学学报(工学版),2021. (中文核心)
  4. 薛均晓, 程君进, 张其斌, 郭毅博等. 改进轻量级卷积神经网络的复杂场景口罩佩戴检测方法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2021,33(07): 1045-1054. (中国计算机学会A类期刊,T1,EI)
  5. 郭毅博, 牛猛, 王海迪,陈艳华, 薛均晓等. 基于生成对抗网络的飞机燃油数据缺失值填充方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(理学版),2021,48(04):402-409. (中文核心)
  6. 郭毅博, 孟文化, 范一鸣,侯 立硕, 袁玥, 薛均晓, 徐明亮. 基于可穿戴传感器数据的人体行为识别数据特征提取方法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2021, 33(08): 1246-1253. (中国计算机学会A类期刊,T1,EI)
  7. 甘宇祥, 王亚博, 薛均晓*, 张若琪, 许书宁, 郭毅博. 基于情感特征的新冠肺炎疫情舆情演化分析[J]. 图学学报, 2021, 42(02): 222-229. (T3)
  8. 李庆宾,毛北行,薛均晓.分数阶不确定多混沌系统的自适应滑模同步[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2021,51(06):199-205. (中文核心)
  9. 黄文峰, 于海玉, 薛均晓等.基于计算机视觉的飞机燃油非接触式测量系统[J]. 图学学报, 2019, 040(003):466-472. (T3)
  10. 薛均晓, 孙晨阳等. 基于Bezier曲面的麦穗生长建模研究[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2018, 030(007):2475-2481. (中国计算机学会B类期刊, T2)
  11. 任两品, 薛均晓*, 张朝阳, 王定标. 基于Mobius变换的复有理圆弧样条[J]. 郑州大学学报(工学版),2017,38(06):50-53+58. (中文核心)
  12. 薛均晓, 罗钟铉. 三角网格的能量优化参数化方法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2009, 21(010):1472-1479. (中国计算机学会A类期刊,T1,EI)

Introduction to the Subject Group

CCL —— Center for Computational Learning at ZZU

  A normal tinkering innovation is like a worm coming out of the bottom of a bamboo, it has to penetrate section by section before it can eventually crawl out, this is called a vertical exit.   Disruptive innovation is like a worm coming out by punching a hole through the side of the bamboo, without having to punch through section by section, which is called a horizontal exit.   The central problem of computational learning: Formalisation - the aim of all science, whether natural or social, is to reconcile our experiences with each other and to integrate them into a logical system!

I. Methods: 1. Deep Reinforcement Learning; 2. Multimodal Computing; 3. Swarm Intelligence.

II. Technical Paths: Algorithms + Application Scenarios -> Data Parsing, Visualisation, Simulation and Deduction, Autonomous Decision-making.

III. Application Scenarios: DC, Social Governance, etc.

Contact Information

Phone: 0371-63887286

Email: xuejx@zzu.edu.cn